Chapter 11. Network, System and Service Security

Table of Contents

User security
Service level security
Configuration of tcp-wrappers
Troubleshooting TCP-wrappers

Every system, installed out of it's shrink-wrapping is insecure. In essence, there are many services that are started at boot time that are not needed. In addition, there are users on the system that are not used or have login shells that should be disabled. This chapter hopes to address some of these security loophole and plug them with knowledge.

User security

There are over 30 users that are generally installed on a Linux system. Many of these are purely installed by applications and are not real users. Examples of such users include 'lp', 'sync', 'bin', 'operator' and 'uucp'. These users should all be denied access to your system. At the very least, they should have no login shells available to them. While some of the users are required (like the 'bin' user) but have no need for a login shell, others can be completely removed from the system. One can remove unnecessary users using the userdel command.

For those users that are needed in order to run applications, their login shell should be set to a non-login shell such as /bin/false or /bin/nologin. Both these utilities may be used as replacements for the users shell. In addition, is a file /etc/nologin.txt exists, this will be used as a polite means of telling the user they may not enter.

The root user should be restricted to only being able to log on at the console. As with many other things in Linux, there are many ways of skinning this cat. A file:


lists all the terminals that are considered safe for root login. This is driven by the pluggable authentication module (PAM) login in /etc/pam.d